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How we help

How We Help

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Through our volunteer work and fundraising we are able to provide multiple enrichment opportunities for MTS students, families, staff, and community. Over the years the PTO has raised money to fund special projects, events, and grants such as:

CLASSROOM ENRICHMENT :: Technology Robotic Supplies •  Library Books • Music Equipment • Garden & Cooking supplies • Playground & PE Equipment 

REWARD PROGRAMS :: PAW store • 5th Grade Leadership Supplies • Field Day treats • Class Snacks

STUDENT SUPPORT :: Field Trip Subsidies and Transportation • SBA Testing Snacks • Equity Assistance

MISCELLANEOUS ::  Staff Appreciation • Volunteer Appreciation • MTS Alumni Scholarship • Yearbooks • Spiritwear

FAMILY ENRICHMENTS :: Bingo for Books • Family Sports Night • 5th Grade Promotion Celebration